Paintball Magazine Paintball Extravaganza Special Edition | Page 70

How were sales on that product? Did they meet your expectations? It was our first marker, so it did pretty well. It started off slowly as it was something that the industry hasn’t really seen before with the “Rhino Skin” cover. Everyone was a little hesitant and not too sure how it would hold up out on the field. But once a few of the markers got out, we saw sales rise. I think people warmed up to the design and realized the potential once they actually shot it and held it in their hands. People’s perception is always different once they actually see and touch a product versus what they see in pictures and online. But sales are going pretty well for the D3S right now. We have received letters and emails about how much our customers like the marker, which let’s us know that we are definitely going the right direction. You are now in the paintball business. How did that come about? We had been thinking about offering paintballs to our customers for a little while. We were doing research on which paintball manufactures were the best and seeing what the market looked like before jumping into such a big commitment. Once we decided that we wanted to offer paintballs as part of our product line, we started reaching 070 magazine out to close friends in the industry and seeing what they thought about us offering paintballs. Our dealers were supportive and one of them actually put us in touch with our current manufacture. From there, everything came into fruition and came into place.... hence WPN paintballs is back! How is that going? It’s actually going very well... as with everything else, there are options for customers out there when it comes to paint. We want to give customers the option and deciding for themselves, which paint to use. So far we have been well received... WPN was around a few years ago, and then they stopped. Now that we brought WPN back, the old school players are very excited to see it back, while the younger and newer players are just starting to find out about us. We are very excited about the future of WPN paintballs!! What is it about your paint that makes it special or makes it stand out from the rest? Our paint uses PEG in our fills. We DO NOT use oil and very little (5%) starch (only for our recreational ball), in our paintballs, thus making it very easy to clean and NO stains!! Our paintballs may cost a little bit more than other