Paintball Magazine Paintball Extravaganza Special Edition | Page 66

Heading into the 2016 Paintball Extravaganza D3FY was best know for their paintball guns. Recently however, the company has introduced a line of paintballs. We caught up to D3FY Sales Manager, David Lopez at the Extravaganza where he brought us up to speed on all things D3FY. David, what is the history of D3FY? How did the company get started? D3FY SPORTS has only been around for 3 years actually. We first started with airsoft, but quickly found out that that industry was not for us. Our staff is comprised of paintball players or people that have been in the paintball industry for many years, so that was a natural move for us to move into the paintball industry. The company started by chance really, as the owner stumbled into it quite literally. An opportunity presented itself, and D3FY SPORTS was born... and here we are! What is the company’s vision? The Company’s vision is to grow the sport of paintball by providing our fans and customers with not only the best possible products, but with the best customer service. 066 magazine D3FY SPORTS feels that as long as the sport of paintball continues to grow, it benefits everyone! We want to expose as many people, men, women and children, to the sport as possible. We want our customers to have an experience even after they have purchased our products. This means standing by our products, even if the warranty is up.... we have been known to give parts or service away free of charge because we want to do what is right so that we earn a customer that will continue to come back to us. We make it priority number one to take care of each and every customer that we have. Your first product in paintball was a marker, correct? Which one was that? That is correct. We launched the D3S marker, which is still currently in the market. It is a spool-valve type design marker. We designed it with a hard plastic shell, which we call the “Rhino Skin”, that is interchangeable, kind of like a phone case cover. It is very durable, and allows our customers to customize and individualize their marker! It comes in a variety of colors and color combinations. It is priced very aggressively as it is capable of performing on par with some of the other popular brands and their spoolv alve design markers!