Paintball Magazine Paintball Extravaganza Special Edition | Page 105
Max “Miximus” Lindqvist,
Max has been a member of Stockholm Joy Division for almost two decades
and is one of the game’s most beloved players. Max has guested and played
for more than 100 teams in his career, he’s trained thousands of players, and
he knows the game of tournament paintball and its players as well as anyone.
When Max is not playing he spends his time developing new products for his
company Bunkerkings.
Michael Bell, Writer,
Michael started playing paintball in 2000 in Illinois, when a friend invited
him to play. The paintball bug took hold and he began to get into scenario
games. In 2004, he wrote and directed his first scenario game. In 2005, after
moving to Tennessee, he joined Ghost Squad Scenario Paintball team, and
started writing paintball related articles. Today, Michael is a member of the
Bounty Hunters Paintball Team and continues to write and looks forward to
producing more scenario games.
Steve Turnbull, Writer,
Steve started playing paintball in 1988 at Operation Paintball Hexham in
the U.K. He played alongside and against some of the best teams on the
European circuit in the 1990s. A severe knee injury ended Steve’s tournament
playing days and he has since taken up photography. After graduating from
Dumfries College in 2014 and gaining a qualification in Photography, Steve
has been shooting and writing for PaintballX3 Magazine and now