Paintball Magazine October 2018 | Page 63

In the four years that the NPPL played at Urban Assault (1996, 1997, 1998, 2000) two mounds fields were used—along with several woodsball fields. It’s historically significant to note that the mounds fields were introduced before Hyperball and airball as mentioned above—so they were the first ten-man open-concept fields used in the U.S. The mounds fields were also trendsetting in that spectators were finally able to watch professional paintball games from literally inches from the playing fields. And just a year later open concept fields and spectating became the norm as it still is today. Considering its history, I’m not at all surprised that interest in playing the mounds fields was high for the Iron City Classic both last year and even more so this year, especially for old school players that played them in the past. In my playing days with Bad Company I can’t recall any fields I enjoyed playing more than these. That sentiment was echoed by many that attended the 2017 and 2018 versions of these famous fields. The Iron City Classic Fifty four ten-man teams registered and played in the 2018 Iron City Classic, including many teams that date back to the original mounds fields day—teams like the All Americans, Bad Company, Image, Saberwolves, Farside and more. Then there were teams that came along just a few years after the original mounds fields days of the mid-1990s. Some of those teams were Brimstone Smoke, Gridlock, Los Angeles Infamous and San Antonio X-Factor to 63