Paintball Magazine October 2017 Issue | Page 144

Coming off the high of a second place finish at the NX Series in England with the Tortugas, Joe Barret of Tam spider bite. His 20 day journey and his message are r or catapult ourselves in the right direction. In this article, I’ll share with you my most monumentally painful and challenging experience to date, which followed some nice peaks… all the unfiltered, uncensored things that happened, thoughts and emotions along the way. Throughout my life I’ve realized it’s been a series of peaks and valleys. It seems for as long as I can remember I would have a year or two of smooth sailing with everything comfortable and figured out. Then life always seemed to take a downward spiral for a month, maybe a year, maybe more. This would be the valley and normally a test of mental strength and will. But life never throws us more than we can handle, and normally this valley gives us a kick in the butt or an epiphany moment to make a change This won’t be toned down for reader’s comfort and it will not be edited after a rough draft. It will be graphic at times, unpleasant and rated R. When you think the worst is over it will get worse. When you think, “how can this series of bad events happen,” trust me when I say it did and nothing is exaggerated. It will be a long read, but it may be filled with some of the most important lessons, mindsets and outlooks you’ll ever get the chance to look into without going on a powerful journey from poison or ancient spirit plant ceremonies like ayahuasca yourself. THE PEAK NXL event number three had just finished and although not the exact result we wanted. It was our most successful event and highest placing in several seasons. I am a rookie player on an elite legendary pro team,