Paintball Magazine November 2017 | Page 89

stick, bouncing from building to building, joined with a teammate and one last tap. The slapstick was mine! It’s one thing to risk body and mind to change that color for your team, it’s a whole other feeling to risk it all for the glory of the win. Both sides fought hard. Both sides shot as much paint as they could for a possible win that loomed for the Illuminati or the Templar! efforts. Then it was time to announce the winner but not by raising a General’s hand or screaming out the winning team—it was time for one last secret to be revealed. Each General was handed a box to open towards the crowd. The screams and cheering revealed the game’s winning team. The Templars roared in victory! I cannot wait until next year. I hope to see As “game over” screeched through the air, everyone at the glorious EMR for Endless players cheered, socked their markers and Legends II. began to shake hands. The battle was over. It was time to celebrate a hard fight and the players and teams that stood out with their 89