Paintball Magazine November 2017 | Page 29

A s I write this it has been announced officially that the NXL (National Xball League) has acquired the assets of the Millennium Series and will be hosting four European events in 2018, essentially replacing the Millennium Series. Surprisingly, at least to this French paintballer, the NXL’s European events will remain limited paint, while the American version will continue with unlimited paint. The thought of one international league with one format and one set of rules will be put on hold for at least another year. In an interview set for our next print magazine coming in early November with our Editor, John Amodea, Tom Cole, President of the NXL said this: “We are going to continue with the limited paint format in Europe. We haven’t decided on how that will exactly play out. We may increase the amount of paint a player can carry but it will definitely be limited paint.” He also said, “The leagues will have their own set of rules and formats, at least for the 2018 season. In Chantilly we met with many of the Millennium players and they made it clear they love the limited paint format and we want to give the players what they want.” 029