Paintball Magazine May 2017 Paintball.Media | Page 6
NEW product
Planet Eclipse Etha 2
Planet Eclipse is long known
for their high end paintball
gear and their top of the line
markers. Guns like the Ego line,
Geo, Etek, Gtek and more. So
when they introduced the Planet
Eclipse Etha in 2011 it turned
heads everywhere. The Planet
Eclipse experience would now
be available for those that did
not have budget for or see the
need for a high-end $1000-
plus paintball marker. The Etha would retain many of the core elements of the more expensive PE
markers, but the price would be attractive to even the average rec-ball player.
Now, six years later Planet Eclipse has introduced the Etha 2 with a completely redesigned platform,
powered by the Gamma Core spool valve, with an aircraft grade inner core and a handful of other
evolutionary upgrades. And yes, it’s still wrapped in a great budget priced package. Check out the
full specs and details HERE:
Valken Gotcha
Chest Protector
06 magazine
The game of paintball has gotten younger,
or at least its player base has. At the 2016
Paintball Extravaganza Industry Luncheon
one of the hot topics was youth sized goggles
and protection. A year later Valken Sports
introduced their youth Chest Protector (and
Goggles). The Chest Protector is a red/
blue reversible youth sized item that has
replaceable side straps and is Gotcha 2 Pod
Web Belt compatible. For more details click