Paintball Magazine June 2018 | Page 91

And THAT is the fun of scenario play! Guys love goofing around and making memories, and everyone wants to have fun and if that means switching teams so you have more targets to shoot... So be it! down by that point, we decided to call it a day so we could battle the next morning all in one piece! Many guys met up after the game at MACS a macaroni and cheese shop, for lots of stories about the day and plans for the next days activities. Zac from Inspire was taking event pictures, and was excited to find a jerky store and loaded up on some dried meat for his drive home! A few minutes after this change in the balance of power, we were behind our HQ as the hail continued to fall and it started getting windy... We heard a loud sound like a bomb going off and turned to see a massive tree snap off in the wind and as it fell it hit another tree and ripped that one up by the Sunday was very different from Saturday as roots! Only about 30 feet from where we it snowed for Sunday and was much colder, were standing! As the game was winding and with the ice from the day before covered 091