Paintball Magazine January 2019 Issue | Page 20

THE BALL BREAK SHOT Getting a ball break shot used to be the end all, be all tournament photo—the one you dragged yourself and your gear to the field for ten hours a day for. A decade ago ball break shots were so rare that if you got one or two per 4000 images shot, you were doing great. And now Gary, Zac, Glenn, Erik, Josh and the rest of the crew spits them out like they’re nothing. In fact, they’ve gotten this down to a science. Zac’s shot on this page shows the ball, just after it hit the player and before it splits apart. Gary, Glenn and Dave’s shots in the pages following show how much paint you can capture with a variety of shutter speed settings. Thousandths of a second (shutter speed) will make all the difference between stopping the ball mid-flight or mid-break, or capturing the paint as it sweeps across the subject. Photo By Zac Arbuckle, at Dreaded Legends, FL 020 magazine