We recently had the pleasure of reviewing the
Top Rank Battle Pants, as well as the Battle Pack. These
products are very well made, as well as stylish. When you
look at Pep though, it is no surprise. Style is very important
to him, but given his background in paintball he knows
what players want. This time, we are going to take a look
at the Top Rank Headband, as well as the barrel sock.
Lets start with the headband. I know that if you are
like me, whenever you are on the field for long hours
running around in extreme heat, you get sweaty. People
think that getting hit with a paintball stings? Try having
sweat dripping in your eyes and not being able to clean
them out because you’re on a live field! The Top Rank
headbands do a great job at blocking sweat before they
get to your eyes! They catch the sweat and soak it up
(gross, I know) but would you rather have all that sweat all
over your face and in your eyes? Didn’t think so.
Another great way to use these headbands is to prevent
you from overheating. If you want a cool headband, just
stick it in an ice chest for a while before the game starts
and you’re good to go. Of course the headband won’t
stay cool forever, but it will give you that extra comfort on
the field. So not only are you trapping sweat, but also you
are cooling yourself down without taking a break. How
awesome is that! These headbands come in a variety
of different colors, including the ever-popular Top Rank
City Camouflage.
Now let’s take a look at the barrel cover. Now there are a
lot of different barrel covers, but not all are like these. First
of all, the style! Anyone that looks at anything Top Rank
will say that these products have charisma. The barrel
covers come in different colors including City Camo.
They have an adjustable cord, making it adjustable to
any marker you have. What makes this this barrel cover