“Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Allied
Expeditionary Force: You are about to embark
upon the Great Crusade, toward which we
have striven these many months.” This is
the beginning of the letter that was written
to the troops by the Supreme Commander
of the allied forces, Dwight D. Eisenhower
just before they went off to fight on the
battlefields of Europe in June of 1944. I can’t
help but think of those men and these words
every year when I experience Oklahoma
D-Day as I have for the last 14 years.
The Park: Located in the remote NE corner
of Oklahoma sits one of the most unique
paintball parks I have ever had the privilege
of playing on. From bottom to top there are
the beaches of Sword, Omaha and Utah. In
between them are Caen, Pegasus Bridge
and Coleville, scattered along with Brecourt
Manor and other landmarks you can still
find today in France. For 21 years they have
been hosting one of the toughest weeks of
paintball in the world. At one time Oklahoma
D-Day was the largest paintball game in the
world. Mow Oklahoma D-Day is the longest
series of paintball games worldwide, as
there are games played for 6 days (Monday
through Saturday.
A Different Week: 2018 was different than
in past years, as the park owner Dewayne
Convers asked Honor Games Productions
to come in and design the Monday through
Thursday mini-scenario games.
Honor Games Productions Minis: HGP
wrote all games to be comprised of 3
aspects, First, a short historical reading of
why the real soldiers fought the actual battle
during WWII.