Paintball Magazine August 2017 Paintball.Media Issue | Page 37

Skirmish ION 2011 Allied MVP Allied Major General and Mission Director ( 4-0 ) Originator of Allied Commemorative Poker Chips and Challenge Coins .
Once again , over the 2nd weekend in July , more than 4,000 people converged on Skirmish Paintball USA in Pennsylvania to take part in the Invasion of Normandy ( ION ), the world ’ s largest game . The 4,110 players were athletes , enthusiasts , creative , inventive , intense , passionate , engaged , and hardcore . Included in this was my team , Blackout Protocol , multi-year recipients of Most Valuable Team ( MVT ) and Most Formidable Opponent ( MoFo ) awards , and our partners at the tip of the spear that is the 29th , The Fighting Amish Paintball Team , and Team Valor . But there were also the newbies , wannabes , frightened , curious , patient , mentors , focused , and lost .
And we gelled . We had come from all over the world , all over this country , and we did what we had to do to be there and take part . And among us were friends , enemies , alliances , tricksters , watchers , doers , and everything in between . I once again met some of the finest , nicest , fiercest , loyal , and fun people I have ever met on the playing field . In fact , in my 15 + years of playing , I truly know that this was the crème de le crème of what this sport has to offer . The camaraderie , the leadership , and the opposition took it to a whole new level that didn ’ t inspire pride , rather , it defined it .
Paintball is the personification of a team sport . You might show up to this game alone , you might not be part of a group of friends or an organized team like Blackout Protocol , but when y ’ all hit that field with a common purpose and you ’ re exchanging shots with the opposing forces , the loner is suddenly part of an irresistible force that ’ s just been released and together that force drives the enemy back and accomplishes something the loner could not do alone . It ’ s music , it ’ s an orchestra , and most especially in the final battle of the event , the crescendo was deafening as were the victory cries from the Allied force !
I once again had the amazing opportunity to work with and fight against some of the greatest players in the world this weekend . I meet up with my heroes , met new ones , and was made to escalate my game in order to prove to them that I deserved to be there . And where I ’ m tired , blistered , bruised , and still have no voice (“ Who brought the angry Chihuahua ?”) as I did it all alongside my Blackout Protocol Brothers , I don ’ regret a thing !
I guess it doesn ’ t hurt that Blackout Protocol once again won the MoFo award for ION 2017 !
I ’ ve met some of my best people through this sport , people I am proud to call Brother , but in the sense where it is far more than just a label , it has meaning , and if you saw how both armies worked and fought together , you ’ d understand why we are so passionate about this sport ---- hmmm , this lifestyle ?
Semper Fi , brothers and sisters . Thank you for being who you are and making it great !
www . paintball . media