team at every level as they train for each event. Playing on
Sunday is the first step to winning an event. And winning
an event is the first step to a season Rankings Title and the
many sponsorship benefits that come with that honor. But
roughly two thirds of the field of 160-plus teams will be
cleaning and packing their gear Saturday night, heading
home or heading to the field Sunday... as spectators, not
participants. And those two thirds will get back to work for
the next two-plus months to fix what is broken in hopes of
playing in the World Cup Sunday Club.
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But for the third of the field that made the Sunday cut here
in Cleveland, the game gets even more serious. Every
team that takes the field on Sunday does so knowing
they will face the best of the best from their respective
divisions. On Sunday it’s win or go home. There are no
second chances, no Mulligans, and there’s definitely no
room for even the slightest error if you want to be playing
Sunday afternoon.
Every elimination is magnified on Sunday. Every breakout
is critical. Any shot can be the difference between finishing