Paintball Magazine April Issue 2018 | Page 16

From The Editor Leadership Style I’ve worked closely with many paintball companies, teams and event producers over the years. I’ve seen the inner workings in dozens of situations. I have seen companies, teams and organizations have great long-term success, great short- term success, complete failures and utter disasters. I’ve seen what happens when people are under pressure; what happens when the pile of startup money runs out; and I’ve seen what happens when the initial success wears—sometimes things get even better when the pressure is on. And sometimes not. In almost every instance, failure or success there’s one common denominator— leadership style. There have been a thousand books and dozens of movies about leadership but in my world success almost always comes down to one simple thing—the interaction between the owner/leader of the company, team or organization and the rest of the staff/team. If you get this right you will thrive. When I say interaction I don’t just mean the way you handle communicating with your team. There’s much more to it than that, although that is important. Is your team at ease around you or do you rule by fear? The latter will never work in the long term. Do you handle all of the important tasks or do you trust your team to take on meaningful responsibilities? Only the latter will work. 016 magazine Do you listen more than you talk? I hope you answered “yes.” Do you have one or two trusted team members you can work through difficult situations as they arise or do you make all of the tough calls on your own? You will inevitably kill your company, team or organization if you have no “go to” people to help council you through tough times and issues. I’m smart enough to know this: I have published more than 300 paintball magazine issues over the course of 26 years and although I have always been the one making the final decisions on almost everything, I wouldn’t have lasted five years with a lone wolf leadership mentality. I have developed a trusted team over the years that help me walk through tough times, hard decisions, new directions and other mission-critical aspects of running this company. There have been times where I let the team make decisions that I was not fully on board with and looking back I made the right call almost every time by listening to them. So how can you make your company, team or organization better, stronger and healthier? John Amodea President Paintball.Media