Big Bad Green Wolf has taken over. Both teams had to battle with CHAR until they grew
tired and ran out of ammo, then they were allowed to duel for position. They also needed
to collect precious metals, the entire reason for this war of jungle swampland is to collect
indigenous precious metals. They were scattered across the field and could only be
identified and collected by specific players, specially designated players that can collect
the cubes in a specific container. This may seem like a task that has no effect on a game
but when actually collected, being that it is one of the main goals of the game, you
could tally hundreds of points. These are the factors that change game strategy, your
team could literally fight and shoot everyone on the field two or three times over,
but if you are not gaining any points and the other team, that is being dominated, is
gaining points then you will still lose. Several missions saw the geologists going to
collect metal and meeting the CHAR over and over again, it seems as though the
locals were extremely unwilling to relinquish the resources of their homeland.
As the day grew to a close DJ Honu Fox and his special suitcase with the pretty
pink handcuffs made a trip to a command center, this time he paid a visit to Eric
Bryant and the blue base, they were given the same stipulations, the same time
limit and the same intended confrontation. Imagine as a commander sending
troops to go find the CHAR, the respawning whirlpool of death, focusing all
your energy and all your points on a very unlikely chance of surviving. The blue
team’s approach to this mission was not the same as red, once they found the
CHAR and their codes for disarming the bomb, they decided a full on, head to
head attack was their best approach. This approach did not succeed because
they were not able to shoot out the CHAR and they were also flanked by the
Red team, this inevitably led to the immediate dispersal of the blue team’s
supreme leader. As the end of regular play came it saw the red with a
comfortable lead, one that was merely speculated on as the gap was the
unknown value. Final battles have a unique way of changing the outcome
of games.
Black Ops Paintball has 150 acres of terrain for players to enjoy, many of
these acres are dedicated to really exciting head to head opportunities,
of which are the speedball field, hyperball field, the pipes field by the
camping area, the compound and the mounds field. The mounds field
is the choice for Bones and Ashes 1, 2 and 3 final battle, with so many
differently shaped obstacles you could go up, down, side to side, and
through, any way you choose you will certainly meet someone that
would love to shoot you. CPX final battles are an onslaught, an all
out blitz. People/teams bring carts full of paint, air and pods, some
bring special outfits, all in an effort to truly leave everything on the
field. The objective, if you so choose, is three spinning, not sliding,
slapsticks in the center of the field, less than five yards away
from 250+ people that would love to aggressively share their
ammunition with you. The slapsticks are scored in time intervals
so constant tenacity is a must, with a pinch of finesse. If you slap
the sticks too hard you could send them spinning right
Photo by Josh Silverman