Division Three Xball had 37 teams looking to get
their seasons started right. Hunters, Phoenix
Rising Black and ac: Kansas City each won all
four prelim games. Two of those undefeated
teams would breeze through their Sunday
games reaching the finals. It was Hunters
versus Phoenix Rising Black vying for the event
win. Hunters continued their stellar play with
a 5-1 victory over Phoenix Rising Black to take
first place in Division Three.
Twenty-nine teams entered the Division Four
Xball bracket and when all was said and done
it was Riverside Quake over Phoenix Rising Red
6-5 in a great back and forth game. SLT would
win their consolation game of Shut Up We’re
Trying 3-2.
Fit in the Amateur Ten-Man Division; Destiny
PE won the Classic Five-Man bracket; Norcal
Disruption the Division Three 5-Man; The
Gummy Bears took the Division Four 5-Man;
Ruthless Red won Division Five 5-Man; RUSSIAN
ROULETTE took the Open Three-Man Division;
Lost Dutchman won the Amateur Three-Man;
Mexico’s Dark Soul won the Novice Five-man
and All Stars woin the Open Pump Division.
We’re now at the end of March as of this
writing and the NXL has already postponed
their Spain event and cancelled the Texas
Open. Stay tuned to Paintball.Media as well as
our Facebook and Instagram pages and we’ll
keep you up to date on all of the paintball
happenings or cancellations.
Washington Winstons won the Open Ten-Man Be safe!
Division over NRG Elite; Wicked beat Hydra.