Paintball Magazine 2018 Paintball Extravaganza Special Edition | 页面 19
The first thing I usually do once I arrive at
But the truth is I would travel to wherever
the Extravaganza is take a walk around the
the event is any given year. The opportunity exhibitor area to get a feel for who is there
to see people in the industry I have known
and who is not. For me the mission is three
for years, as well as have the chance to meet fold: To catch up with advertisers, friends
newer industry members is priceless—and
and those I only get to see at events like
having an industry-only event away from the this; to make sure we have enough photos,
noise and clutter of a tournament is the only videos and materials to fully show the
way to go.
Paintball Extravaganza to our readers; and
to meet with as many new industry people
I arrived at the Extravaganza on Tuesday
as possible. This usually takes two full days,
morning, day one of the event. Aaron Dill
so the first morning as I walk around the
and Jeff Churches were right behind me as
show I’m taking notes so I can get it all
their flight from Michigan arrived at Dulles
International Airport 9:30 AM. Aaron would
shoot all of our photos and video at this
My first stop was the Valken Paintball booth,
year’s Extravaganza. Jeff would assist Aaron where I caught up with Travis Lemanaski and
with videos and interviews. We huddled
Gino Postorivo for a few minutes. I caught
for a half hour and went our separate ways
a glimpse of the new Valken Code colors
for the morning. Before we go on let’s talk
and they looked great. Valken’s new gear
about the elephant in the room (or not in
bags, Prophet SC Goggles (with redesigned
the room)… the rumor heading into the
internals) and Agility Pads were getting a
Extravaganza was that GI Sportz would not
lot of attention from the handful of people
be at the event—and they were not. Many
in the booth, as was the Blackhawk MFG.
were disappointed. Moving on…
Valken also showed is their new VSL Loader
colors and their extensive new airsoft line.