Paint Color Cheat Sheets and 5 Bonuses [PDF] Paint Color Cheat Sheets and 5 Bonuses | Page 32

"Guys, You Can Use This System to Impress Your Wife!" Have you ever entered a paint store and seen that gigantic rack of color choices? It can be quite overwhelming. That’s why I was so excited to learn of the "Cheat Sheets" Concept developed by Yelena Kublitski. By having this proven system at your fingertips, you can save a lot of time, and then use the extra time to enjoy your home and family. (Hint: guys, you can use this system to impress your wife on how understanding you are when it comes to picking colors for your home!) The Cheat Sheets Concept is easy to follow and offers great advice and an array of proven colors to beautify any room in your home. But don’t just take my word for it, check it out for yourself and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. Having known Yelena Kublitski for several years, I can attest to her artistic vision and passion for color coordination and decorating. Using this proven system will go a long way in beautifying your home and impressing those who enter it. With the Paint Color Cheat Sheets, you can rest assured that you have chosen the right colors. John E. Kelly, IOM Marketing and Membership Director