A few "suspected" yet not "confirmed" Pagans:
Stevie Nicks (although has denied any affiliation)
Goldie Hawn (references self as Jewish/Buddhist) ***
Kate Hudson (references self as Jewish/Buddhist) ***
Richard Gere (Buddhist) ***
Many others whom for obvious reasons, have not officially come out of the broom closet. This far from comprehensive list has been brought to you
by numerous sources:
http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fpaganwiccan.about.com%2Fod%2FCurrentEvents%2Ffl%2FCelebrity-Pagans-and-Wiccans.htm&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNEi84-_64YLAkC-HBwPweXRydAm-A, and other research done solo, by yours truly.
As one of your peers I would give you these words of advice, question the motivations of those that seemingly have pure intentions, especially those who are quick to inform of their beliefs on a whim. Paganism shouldn't be called upon or treated lesser than any other belief system. People shouldn't read an article, and suddenly deem themselves a Pagan. It is a life
choice. It is a path. It is a path less traveled, and more scrutinized, and not for the faint of heart. To all my fellow Pagans, I commend you for taking the road less traveled, and being willing to be subjected to the scrutiny of others.
YOU are my "famous" Pagans.
***There is much debate about adding Buddhism to this list. The author has decided that she wanted to include them, as in her definition the term “Pagan”
means those not of the organized Christian, Islamic, or Judaic based religions. We respect our author’s opinions, even if we do not hold them as our own. – PFM Editors.