July Reading
General Theme: Change, Motion
January: Mannaz is the January rune this month. Mannaz is the rune of the self. Mannaz speaks to you this month of self introspection. Take time for yourself to think, and to work things out in your head. Good things come to those who wait, and this is a great time to do so. Take some time to love yourself and do something you truly enjoy. You’re doing good where you’re at, at this moment, even if it might not seem like it right now. Slow down and give yourself a moment to breathe. Frustrations come to those who don’t take time to recuperate and think.
February: Ehwaz is the rune of February. Ehwaz is the rune of movement and gradual development. Ehwaz speaks to you about movement and flow. Maybe it’s time to take that vacation you’ve been thinking about. Maybe a good book or loud music is all you need to take you to a different place. Taking a mental, or even a physical trip is good for you and your soul. This is what you need right now. This is a good time to expand and grow.
March: Perthro is the rune of March. Perthro is the rune of guidance, things hidden, and new beginnings. Perthro speaks this month of an opportunity and warns to be ready for it. Something new and exciting is on the horizon, and, while it might be scary or uncomfortable to try something new, no risk means no reward. Take a chance at something new. There are no winners or losers when you’re enjoying yourself.
April: Wunjo is the rune of April. Wunjo is the rune of joy and inner peace. Wunjo speaks of joy and happiness. While it might not be here at this very moment, it’s on the horizon. They say it can’t rain all the time, and this is most true of this rune and its message. Wunjo warns of too much pleasure and indulgence, so be sure to take time to ground yourself and be thankful for what you have.
May: Eihwaz is the rune of May and is the rune of changes. Eihwaz speaks of a major change coming in your life. Be vigilant because you’ll be able to watch the change happening, or maybe you’ll have to pioneer the shift yourself. For example, the ridding of a bad habit or asking for a promotion. Stay strong. You have all the strength you need to make this change, good or bad.
June: Thurisaz is the rune of June. It is the rune of adversity and introspection. “A change is coming,” warns Thurisaz. Brutal honesty with yourself is needed. A pivotal choice is coming in your life, and sometimes the best thing to do is stop and re-evaluate your choices. You will grow from this decision, and making the harder choice will have a greater reward.
Rune Horoscopes
The Pagan Gamer
Rune Horoscopes are a little different than your average horoscopes, so please make sure to read the instructions carefully. The first thing you’ll need is your birth month. Once you have that, the next thing you’ll need is the day of your birth. The runes corresponding to each of these will give you an idea of your horoscope. The birth day is a modifier, which is supposed to give you a bit of a better understanding of your reading.