Pagan Forest Magazine July/August 2014 | Page 34


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I found this next idea on the internet in a post by Patti Wigington.

Pokeberry Ink

A very useful project for us adults is making Pokeberry Ink. Pokeberries are poisonous but make a useful ink for writing spells, particularly Banishing spells.

In the Midwest and most northern states in the US, the berries are ripe for the picking just in time for Mabon. The ink will be a shade of bright pinkish-purple but seems to turn brown when exposed to sunlight for too long. Storing it in a dark bottle or in a cabinet will help it to keep it’s vibrant color.

You will need to gather two cups of Pokeberries, one teaspoon of vinegar, and a glass jar.

Start by placing a strainer over the top of your jar. Add your berries to the strainer. Mash your berries into a pulp. The strainer will allow the juices to seep into your jar but will keep the skins and seeds from falling in. Make sure to crush the berries as much as you possibly can.

Once you have all of the juices in your jar, add the vinegar and stir thoroughly. The vinegar will help to thin the ink so that it will be usable in fountain pens and, also, help keep it from spoiling. Some people recommend adding a dash of salt or boiling the juices. People have had success with and without the extra steps.

Bottle your ink and you’re done. It’s that easy. Make sure to leave the lid securely on when you are not using this ink. This ink can be used with a quill or with fountain pens.

Again, this is a poisonous plant, so take measure to protect yourself. If your children where to eat a berry or two, they most likely would not develop symptoms.

Eating several berries though, can cause a lot of stomach distress such as: pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. In adults serious gastrointestinal problems have occurred, including bloody vomiting, bloody diarrhea, and low blood pressure.

You can prevent children from eating pokeberries by:

Make sure you label your bottles, mark them as poisonous, and keep them out of reach of children.

The best way to keep very young children safe is to watch them closely outdoors.

Children should be taught never to eat wild berries unless they first check with an adult.

Consider digging up pokeweed plants or cutting them down, though that might be difficult when the plant is large.

If your child accidentally eats pokeberries, rinse out the child’s mouth and have them drink some water or milk. Then call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222 immediately.

Whatever you choose to do for Mabon, have fun and stay safe. Remember to give back to your environment and to give thanks for all of your blessings no matter what form they come in.

Blessed Be!