and things. In spiritual transformation, all things must die to be reborn, all spiritual ascending requires descending first, and anyone that desires light in their lives must first face their own inner darkness and learn to overcome it. Therefore, the Autumn Equinox represents the inner preparation that is needed in the process of Enlightenment.
The meaning of it all is woven into the four points of the year, the two solstices and the two equinoxes. Together, they form a symbolic cross in the wheel of the year with the Sun at the center. The solstices and equinoxes have to do with the transitions and journey of the sun, as the sun represents the son. The “son” is both a universal and personal spiritual force whose birth or incarnation into a spiritually prepared person has been enacted or allegorized symbolically by enlightened figures throughout time, such as Dionysus, Horus, Mithras, Odin, Hu, Tammuz, Attis, Jesus, etc., and by the movements of the sun and stars in relation to the earth each year.
These Great Deities lives seem to follow similar events that correspond with astrological movements such as they all have Winter Solstice birthdays and Spring Equinox deaths and resurrections. This is part of the greater design of the universe, not a coincidence. It reveals the process of spiritual awakening to humanity.
In times of old, the different groups of people realized these discerning messages and teachings that literally come from above. They knew that the outer drama that was enacted in the heavens is actually an inner representation of a human that is becoming a spiritual being and that the sun represents the spiritual aspect that incarnates within a person.
There are many sites around the world that align with the Equinoxes:
The Great Pyramid in Egypt was used as a gigantic sundial. The shadow made to the north along with the reflected sunlight to its south marked both of the solstices and the equinoxes annual dates accurately. Two of the Great Pyramid’s sides face directly east and west which are the exact points of the suns rise and set but only on the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes. The four sides of the Great Pyramid are concave so the pyramid actually has eight faces instead of four. Unfortunately, this can only be seen from the air and only on the equinoxes.
Cairn T is the name of an ancient Neolithic mound in Ireland that has an inner chamber that aligns to the equinoxes. It was thought to be built around 3500 BC. Some people believe that it may have been built on an even older sacred site. Cairn T is the main mound in a group of Neolithic sites called Loughcrew. Loughcrew originally had about forty monuments. Cairn T is thirty-five meters in diameter. At one time, it was covered in a thick layer of quartz. When the sun rises on the Equinox, the light travels into the mounds inner chamber. The chamber is shaped in a cross to align with the back stone which is called the “Sliabh na Caillí” or “Equinox Stone.” The stone is covered in astronomical symbols.
Some traditionally seen symbols of Mabon are as followed:
The Cornucopia: Also known as the Horn of Plenty, it is a perfect symbol for the wealth of the harvest and is a beautifully balanced symbol of male and female, the male aspect being the phallic point and the female being the hollow.
The Apple: The apple is the symbol of the Fruit Harvest. It is also a symbol for life and immortality, as well as healing, renewal, regeneration, and wholeness. The apple is recognized for beauty, long life, and restored youth. Cut an apple on its width and it will reveal a much loved
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