Paddock magazine December-January 2016 Issue 80

2015 F1 SOCIAL MEDIA AWARDS 2015 F1 CONTENT MARKETING AWARDS A look at this year’s best social tricks Chris Sice shows us what worked well Paddock. I N S I D E T H E M OTO R S P O RT I N D U S T RY 32 PR COLUMN Katja Heim of KHP writes about the industry 63 SEASON REVIEW 96 MY FANTASY F1 TEAM Zak Brown, CEO of CSM UK £7 | EU €9 | US $12 Liam Cunningham: “F1 IS WHERE MY HEART IS” The star of Game of Thrones talks to us about his passion Paddock. Issue 80 December 2015 An exclusive team-by-team report of the year