Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 94

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TMCH66 M M Tut * M ? or rol e 9 I Skows + ke tx + ent wf- tk *. O tL KAWN mrjre . Ter►
Wi ll CAUL tv # fkCr i-v fIM A C , 4a^c Tk e CC , er twro tah Co kKi , i s ale pr p a reali We Ve circltor Rk EC ~ Ntm . THE ANTICHRIST WILL RISE TO POWER THROUGH A TEN NATION CONFEDERACY .
" im wiO t t-kis re j i m

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The Great Tribulation — Part One

TMCH66 M M Tut * M ? or rol e 9 I Skows + ke tx + ent wf- tk *. O tL KAWN mrjre . Ter►

Wi ll CAUL tv # fkCr i-v fIM A C , 4a^c Tk e CC , er twro tah Co kKi , i s ale pr p a reali We Ve circltor Rk EC ~ Ntm . THE ANTICHRIST WILL RISE TO POWER THROUGH A TEN NATION CONFEDERACY .

" im wiO t t-kis re j i m

In these two passages , we ( the authors ) have underlined some key words . These will help us understand more clearly Daniel ' s prophecy .
Understanding These Important Words
( 1 ) What is the h bea — The fourth beast represents the old Roman Empire . Until the coming o Uthe Antichrist , it was the most frightening world empire to exist .
( 2 ) What are theen horns P — The ten horns represent ten rulers or kings who will make up a European en nation confederacy .
( 3 ) What is another horn , a little one . which came up amon t em ? — This little horn is none other than t entichnst w o arises from within the ten nation
confederacy .
( 4 ) What are ( ` — The three horns are three kings who come to power in the ten nation confederacy . These three kings will lose their power to the Antichrist . ( See Revelation 17:12-13 ; and Daniel 11:21-24 ).
The Bible tells us that this diplomatic genius will be so smooth and clever that he will take over the entire ten kingdoms ( nations ) with relative ease . Early on in the Tribulation , this master politician will begin to seize tremendous power .