Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 79

Vs N6 [ r —. Tke scro ll of Vahiel fouwd on p jp 7 , 16 Zr i s ` ~ qq t e k ~ s of + Vis c { r . s ~ nel rao + ~ , our uu ~ c le rstw tiWv4 pas es . I ~ ► ~ t ort ~ IP u uv ~ t ~ serial , we gave tncl ~ de ~ a ec1- ' OVA i h ~ ►^ ~ he Ay ntle rlst tattled Te " kim -Me Scrota of uAiel ~• see kpp6ed0 (


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Vs N6 [ r —. Tke scro ll of Vahiel fouwd on p jp 7 , 16 Zr i s ` ~ qq t e k ~ s of + Vis c { r . s ~ nel rao + ~ , our uu ~ c le rstw tiWv4 pas es . I ~ ► ~ t ort ~ IP u uv ~ t ~ serial , we gave tncl ~ de ~ a ec1- ' OVA i h ~ ►^ ~ he Ay ntle rlst tattled Te " kim -Me Scrota of uAiel ~• see kpp6ed0 (

Daniel 7:2-8 ; 15-17 ; 19-25 ; 28 ( NIV ) 2 ) " Daniel said : `In my vision at night I looked , and there before me were the founds of heaven churning up the
,, U Four great beasts , each different from the others , came u out of the sea . 4 ) The first was like a an it had the wings of an eagle . I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet like a man , and the heart of a man was given to it . 5 ) And there before me was second beast , which looked like r It was raised up on one of its sides , and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth . It was told , `Get up and eat your fill of flesh !' 6 ) After that , 1 looked , and there before me wasnother beast , one that looked like arLLo — g-a--r- . 0 And on its back it had four wings like those of a bird . This beast had four heads , and it was given authority to rule . 7 ) After that , in my vision at night I looked and there before me was a terrifying andfiightening dW very powerful . It had large iron teeth ; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left . It was different from all the former beasts , and it had ten horns .
`Great sea ' — history ' s mass of humanity .
`Lion ' — The lion represents the great Babylonian empire led by Nebuchadnezzar ,
king of Babylon . It was known for its strength , ferociousness ,
destructiveness and quickness of movement .
`Bear ' — The bear represents the Medo-Persian empire led by Darius . It was known for being fierce , raging with hunger and devouring all in its path .
L & upuiu - 1110 leopard represents the Grecian empire led by Alexander the Great . It was known for its swiftness and widereaching domination .
`Fourth beast ' — A terrifying beast that has never been seen or understood by humans .