Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 66

P ~ i ~ 1-tou6 ~ lfT
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p40MS 0 wr 1 ow I bodies so + R & t testy w III b ~ l ~ kt Nis gtori ou s body .


P ~ i ~ 1-tou6 ~ lfT

The Rapture

Paul tells us that the first people to meet Christ in the air are those people who
have put their faith in Christ but have physically died . It is obvious that we are talking
about millions of people whose bodies will meet up with their souls in a new spiritual
body that God has designed for us for eternity . When a person dies , the Bible tells us
that two things happen . The body goes to the grave , and remains on this earth . But the
soul of the person , the spiritual part of him , goes on to be with Christ . Somehow at
the Rapture , the physical bodies of those who have died will be transformed into a
new bodies that will last forever : new `resurrection bodies '. In 1 Corinthians
15:50-53 , the Bible helps us to more clearly understand this transformation .



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1 Corinthians 15:50-53 ( TLB )
50 ) `1 tell you this , my brothers : an earthly body made of , flesh and blood
cannot get into God ' s Kingdom . These perishable bodies of ours are not the

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-Ws Mk right kind to live forever .

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51 ) But I am telling you this strange and wonderful secret : we shall not al
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T1f Mo ' dip , but we shall all be given new bodies !

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52 ) It will all happen in a o ent in the Min Ing o an e e when the last lk g ff 6t trumpet is blown . For there will be a trumpet blast from _ the s , and all the

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Christians who have died will suddenly become alive , with new bodies that will

~• o time . never , never die : and then we who are still alive shall suddenly have new badia

53 ) too ,

For our earthly bodies , the ones we have now that can die , must be

transformed into heavenly bodies that cannot perish but will live forever . "

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► S this waKt- t + kKm - wkoLf t ~' kind of- body wI l I We ?

Our small finite minds can never comprehend how God will cause the soul of a
Christian who has died to join up with their new `Resurrection ' body at the time of
the Rapture . But God is a big God who can create and redesign in less time than it
takes for our eyes to blink . God is going to show His greatness at one of the most
spectacular events in the history of eternity — the Rapture .
pNi I i 4AS T-2-0-21 — 8urt our iiti UMSMi is in t ~ eavth . ~ we • to e er 1 y aw if a Savior 4r wi + km , JW Lord JesuS Ckrist , wko , bNN At

-f ¢~, blts w + to bri v ~ q evtrt ~ -k! Y ~ wed cr Ch ' s conttro ~, w ~ Tt

p40MS 0 wr 1 ow I bodies so + R & t testy w III b ~ l ~ kt Nis gtori ou s body .