Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 6

Never has o yAtrutioK of hMeri uun t-e oLsk , P , a ( fo wrestle wick AKA Prtswttr ' 5KGk toclk itac . tiows . beeK
-Nese wake 5ood rl + KcA . l jos- oKsfor your st " tris
-9 for VkDW . just 41 0ft fk ( s verse AAA 4mvt 0 14 .
timfB ptW-e Yh tkt SI v ( 01k ~. 0 Vlot ptA . t ' yow St 4404 d owu► r W V n i 4 Kb ro + nt ab0 M- f he ek ti K6 . VMS to

Let ' s Be Alert and Ready

Never has o yAtrutioK of hMeri uun t-e oLsk , P , a ( fo wrestle wick AKA Prtswttr ' 5KGk toclk itac . tiows . beeK

What is it that ' s happening around the world which troubles you most ?
Our troubled world causes us to ask some difficult but exciting questions :
• Could we be coming to the end of the world ?
• Could we be near the time the Bible calls the `end of the age ?'
• Could the final war , the Battle of Armageddon , be on the horizon ?
• Is this generation of high school students the last before the Return of Christ ?
• Could Jesus Christ return to earth any moment now ?
011T !

-Nese wake 5ood rl + KcA . l jos- oKsfor your st " tris

How much do you know about the end of the world ? Most Christian students know very little about the Return of Christ . They don ' t seem to understand that Jesus could return at any moment . Therefore , they fail to obey Christ ' s command to His disciples . In Mark 13 , Jesus spoke to His disciples about His return :

-9 for VkDW . just 41 0ft fk ( s verse AAA 4mvt 0 14 .

Mark 13:32-33 ; 37 ( NIV ) 32 ) " No one knows about that day or hour , not even the angels in heaven , nor the Son , but only the Father . 33 ) Be on guard ! Be alert ! You do not know when that time will come ..... 37 ) What I say to you , I say to everyone : `Watch !'"

timfB ptW-e Yh tkt SI v ( 01k ~. 0 Vlot ptA . t ' yow St 4404 d owu► r W V n i 4 Kb ro + nt ab0 M- f he ek ti K6 . VMS to

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