Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 35

Thl 6 ~ ck W6VA -6r Wims is l e ak
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Warning Signs of Christ ' s Return



Wars and Rumors of Wars

There is nothing new about war . Ever since Cain murdered Abel , men and nations have been fighting and killing each other . Yet , Jesus warns us that there will be an increase of war as time , as we know it , comes to an end . The hostility between nations and ethnics will increase greatly in number and intensity . Jesus reality of wars at the end of time when He said in Matthew 24:6-7a —
Matthew 24:6-7a ( NIV ) 6 ) " You will hear of wars and rumors of wars , but see to it that you are not alarmed . Such things must happen , but the end is still to come . 7 ) Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom . "

Thl 6 ~ ck W6VA -6r Wims is l e ak

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Why do you think Christ did not want his disciples to ~ e "~ ngitened when they saw `wars and rumors of war '?
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Jesus taught his disciples that warfare was not a sign of the end but only a sign of the beginning of the end . No one war is a sign of Christ ' s return but as wars and ethnic violence increase , they tell us that we are progressing towards that ultimate war that ends all wars : the Battle of Armageddon .
As you look around do you see more wars , rumors of wars and ethnic violence ?

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