• List some activities that you would stop doing .
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Every day we need to be able to say to ourselves : This may be the day tha t Jesus comes again . We ought to be able to arrange our entire lives around that fact . The truth that Jesus could come back any day should motivate us moment by moment to live holy lives . The Apostle John sums up in 1 John 2:28 what our lives should be like when Christ returns —
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1 John 2:28 ( NIV ) " And now , dear children , continue in him , so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming . "
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The Bible is very clear in 1 John 2:28 that if we live a life that is pleasing to God , we will be confident and unashamed at His Return . But the opposite is also true . If we as Christians have had a lifestyle that is not disciplined or empowered by the _ Holy Spirit , we will be ashamed when He returns . God wants us to let the truth that Christ could return at any moment motivate us to live pure lives . The Apostle John sums up this truth very clearly when he writes in 1 John 3:2-3 — re
1 John 3:2-3 ( NIV ) 2 ) `Dear friends , now we are children of God , and what we will be has not yet been made known . But we know that when he appears , we shall be like him , for we shall see him as he is . 3 ) Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself ; just as he is pure . "
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