Traffic Control and Flagger Safety
This program covers traffic control devices and protection as required by federal, state and city laws for
individuals whose work requires them to direct or control drivers and foot traffic. Topics discussed include:
regulations and standards, channelling devices and barricades, construction signs, control of traffic through
work zones, flagger safety, personal protective equipment and Cal/OSHA Construction Safety Order 1599.
Contact hours: 8 | Dates: Jan 31, Mar 23 or Jun 15 | Investment: $115 Member / $135 Non-member
Trenching & Excavating for the Competent Person
This course is designed for personnel who may be designated as the Competent Person by their employer/
organization for typical construction-related trench and excavation operations and is also recommended
for any construction, maintenance, or supervisory personnel required to work in or near trenches and
excavations. Topics include: scope and application of Cal-OSHA and OSHA Excavation Standards; typical
construction exposure and applications; definitions; general requirements; requirements for protective
systems, including sloping and benching, shoring, and shields; and soil analysis and classification.
Regulatory citations: Cal-OSHA 8 CCR 1539 - 1543, OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P.
Contact hours: 8 | Dates: Jan 23 or Apr 19 | Investment: $180 Member / $225 Non-member
Cancellation Policy: Any cancellations or requests to reschedule any of our courses must be given to PSC five working days prior to the
training date. Lack of sufficient notice will result in a full charge of the minimum amount. Substitutions may be made at any time.