Pacific Island Times Vol 3 No 6 June 2019 | Page 3

WHAT WE HAVE THIS MONTH Our Cover VOL. Healthcare 3 GUAM • PALA U CNMI • FSM NO. 6 9 CBD IS EVERYW H But leg is causin al uncertainty g anxie ty CNMI ERE 12 Saipan casino developer places another bet 13 Just a byte: Graduation, less migration? 19 21 22 23 Technology Public Sa What? stuck 911 is Imperi in 198 dice, al Pacific rol 5? seekin g mo ling the re inv estors fety Around the Pacific Emerging CBD industry falls into legal gray area 16-18 From the Publisher’s Desk 4 CDB and its cautious popularity Brief Chat Dr. Roseann Jones weighing in on minimum wage debate 5 Insights 6 Observer: Musings on funeral options Views from the Trench: More on period poverty 7 Variations: If it bleeds, it leads 8 Court of Public Opinion: 9 The only people we can depend on … Not Your Average Joe: Wooing Micronesia 10 Public safety Guam reaching milestones in medical technology CNMI $1.25 JUN E 201 What, 911 is still stuck in 1985? 11 A hardened atmosphere after New Caledonia’s provincial election The Micronesian female captain The surprising sameness of the Solomons elections Philippines A look at the painful history between US and the Philippines Election disaster 24 25 Lessons for Everyday Life: The art of extinguishing bridge fires Daydream: Needing a hug and a panda 26 26 Can’t get enough of Meskla 27 Life Local Dining