Pacific Island Times PIT november 2017 Vol2 No.14 | Page 2
Life can be easier when you get
Premium Automatic Insurance Deduction
is designed to simplify the paying of your insurance premium by eliminating
the up-front cost of a down payment and extending your payment period.
NO Charges or Interest
Fees when you sign
up for P.A.I.D.!
We help you stretch
your payments up to
12 months!
Payments can be
deducted from your:
• Checking Account
• Savings Account
• Credit Card
• Paycheck
Receive up to
65% OFF
on your auto insurance!*
• No Claims Discount
• Multiple Vehicle Discount
• Multi-Policy (BUNDLE) Discount
• Preferred Customer Discount
You automatically become a
member of the Calvo’s Lifestyle
Club when you insure your
home or personal auto
Get your card on your mobile device!
Emergency Driver Assistance
for all auto emergency needs!
Download the app today!
475-AUTO or 649-0911
Serving Micronesia since 1938
Contact us today to see how you can save on your home and auto insurance!
Tel: 671-472-6816 | Fax: 671-477-7305
*Maximum discounts on auto insurance are based on qualifications. Please call for more information.