Pacific Island Times March 2020 Vol 4 No. 3 | Page 4
Buzzword: Indo-Pacific
ebalancing to the Pacif-
ic” was tossed around a
lot when then President
Obama announced in 2011
that the United States would turn its
attention to Asia Pacific and make the
U.S. military presence a top priority in
the region. What was touted to be the
strategic guidance for military plan-
ning became a staple in many defense
documents and officials’
For laymen, “Rebalanc-
ing to the Pacific” was
simply understood as the
U.S. military positioning in
preparation for any possi-
ble attack from China and
North Korea. On Guam, it
was presumed to be related
to regional troop alignment
involving the relocation of
5,000 Marines from Okina-
wa to Guam.
It turned out, nobody had a clue
what “Rebalancing to the Pacific”
meant. Military officials groped for
answers when they were interviewed
by the Government Accountability
The U.S. government has since
retired this abstractness and replaced
it with a new buzz phrase: “Indo-Pa-
cific Strategy,” which new documents
define as “an ironclad and enduring
commitment to a region that spans
from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian
“The American people and the
whole world have a stake in the
Indo-Pacific’s peace and prosperity,”
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
said in 2018 when he laid out the
initiative that focuses on economics,
governance and security. When the
Compact talks begin, Guam observes
from the viewing gallery.
“Where the ‘Indo-Pacific’ begins
and ends, and what it looks like,
depends partly on where you are. It’s
a term that has quite subtle but differ-
ent shades of meaning depending on
your national or policy perspective,”
Brendan Sargeant, honorary professor
at the Australian National University,
wrote in The Strategist.
U.S. Defense officials
have made it clear that
the Indo-Pacific Strategy
seeks to wrestle against
China, whose Belt and
Road Initiative intends to
solidify its clout across the
Pacific islands. China’s
growing sway over this
region triggers anxiety for
the United States, which
for many years showed its
tendency to tune out its
Pacific allies.
With the Compacts of
Free Association headed for renego-
tiations, freely associated states are
learning to play the game. The Feder-
ated States of Micronesia, for exam-
ple, is hedging its bet. While getting
ready to renegotiate with the U.S. on
new Compact terms, FSM has been
cozying up to China.
The Compacts give the United States
control over the airspace and waters
of Palau, Marshall Islands and FSM,
while in return, these countries receive
millions of dollars from the U.S. in
financial aid and their citizens are
allowed visa-free entry to the U.S. and
its territories.
Freely associated states are aware of
their own bargaining chips.
Marshall Islands’ newly inaugurated
President David Kabua is flexing his
muscles. “The economic policy and
the foreign policy will be particularly
attended to in order for this country to
prepare for engaging any new dynam-
ics that may emerge from new initia-
tives involving anyone of our bilateral
friends, or which may be forced on the
negotiation table, as a result of un-
expected geo-political developments
affecting peace and security in the
Indo-Pacific region,” Kabua said in
his inaugural speech.
As he prepares for the Compact
talks with the U.S., Kabua begins
drafting his demand list. “Many of the
issues we will bring to the table are
about the Compact of Free Associa-
tion. And possibly we will bring some
new business to the table.”
The nuclear issue, he said, is among
the unfinished businesses that need to
be settled once and for all. “The U.S.
is such a powerful and prepared-in
everything country, they can do every-
thing, including what we may ask,”
Kabua said.
Guam, one of the host jurisdictions
for FAS migrants, does not have a seat
at the negotiating table. “While the
compacts help to offset China’s grow-
ing influence in the Western Pacific
and preserve national security inter-
ests, Guam is left to fund the conse-
quences of unmitigated migration. Our
current costs are estimated to be at
$150 million per year,” Gov. Lourdes
Leon Guerrero said in her state of the
island address Feb. 24.
The governor has her own list to
present to the U.S. “As the Com-
pact renegotiations draw near, I will
continue to advocate for several items:
reliable screening, which means
preventing known criminals from
entering Guam; full reimbursement
of Compact costs; and greater aid to
COFA jurisdictions, so they can em-
ploy their citizens in the land of their
birth.” When the Compact talks begin,
Guam will observe from the viewing
Mar-Vic Cagurangan
[email protected]
Contributing Writers
Vincent Akimoto
Raquel Bagnol
Bea Cabrera
Phillip Cruz Jr.
Zaldy Dandan
Ken Leon Guerrero
Theodore Lewis
Diana Mendoza
Gina R. Reilly
Jay Shedd
Jeff Voacolo
Visual Editor
Mar-Vic Cagurangan
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Jan SN Furukawa
[email protected]
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