Pacific Business Partners December 2023 | Page 5

Ulei – M & M by Mesiwal Madlutk


& M is a small company started by Ms . Mesiwal Madlutk that makes and sells handmade coconut candy , called ulei . Mesiwal learned how to make ulei from her mom , following her mother ’ s recipe . In fact , Mesiwal decided to carry out her mom ’ s legacy by continuing to make the ulei and sharing the delicious treat with others .
Traditionally , ulei has been made and eaten as a dessert item during special family or village gatherings . Mesiwal only started selling the ulei about five years ago when her mother could no longer make the handmade coconut candy . At that time , the ulei was only sold at two local retail outlets , a small mom & pop store in Aimeliik and another local store in Airai .
After attending a workshop in 2022 , Mesiwal reached out to Palau Small Business Development Center to seek assistance in improving and expanding her operations . Mesiwal has been learning how to access new markets , including getting into organic certification through the Pacific Organic Ethical Trade Community ( POETCom ).
As Mesiwal continued to seek assistance from Palau SBDC , she decided to submit an expression of interest for a small grant from the UN International Office for Migration ( IOM ). After attending another training workshop by Palau SBDC , Mesiwal sought further oneon-one business counseling to develop the narrative story for the grant application . During the counseling , Mesiwal also received advice on how to improve her logo and labels for her products .
Mesiwal was able to get a $ 5000 grant through the Small Grants for Entrepreneurs under the Gender Empowerment project funded by the United States Department of State through the IOM Palau . The grant has
Written by Ltelatk Fritz , Palau SBDC Director
Business Name : M & M
Owner : Ms . Mesiwal Madlutk Business Type : Local Manufacturer Contact Number : ( 680 ) 775-2157 Email : madlutk416 @ gmail . com
allowed her to purchase equipment to increase production and has helped her improve the labels and packaging of the ulei . With the new packaging , Ulei – M & M by Mesiwal Madlutk is now sold at two of Palau ’ s major supermarkets .
As a member of Ngerutechei village , in Ngeremlengui , Mesiwal wanted to include part of her heritage and identity to be captured in the product labeling . In the legends of Ngerutechei , it is believed that the gods used the rainbows to travel to Ngerutechei ’ s fishing grounds . Therefore the final logo captures the story while making it distinct from other candy makers in Palau .
Starting this small business has been very rewarding for Mesiwal , as she has always had an interest in owning a small business of her own . By making and selling the ulei , Mesiwal gets to showcase part of her heritage and culture as a Palauan . Her goal is to continue selling the handmade coconut candies in Palau , with a vision of exporting in the future .
Mesiwal ’ s advice to other entrepreneurs is “ Don ’ t give up on your dream . It ’ s not easy , but at the end you ’ re happy with your success .”