Pacific Business Partners December 2023

Dec 2023 , Vol . 19 No . 2


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Tomhom : A Restaurant with Heart and a View
Ulei – M & M by Mesiwal Madlutk

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Elsina Opens ELSI-2 in Finpihkal , Lelu , Kosrae

Interviewer : Emily O ’ Steen , Kosrae SBDC Business Advisor Written by Faith Antol , PISBDCN Network Program Associate
DISCLAIMER : The Pacific Islands Small Business Development Center Network ( PISBDCN ) at the University of Guam – School of Business & Public Administration is partially funded by a cooperative agreement with the U . S . Small Business Administration ( SBA ). All opinions , conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author ( s ) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA . Requests for reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance . Language assistance services are available for limited English proficient individuals with at least two weeks advance notice . For arrangements , please contact Guam SBDC , P . O . Box 5014 Mangilao , Guam 96923 , Tel : ( 671 ) 735- 2590 , or Email sbdc @ pacificsbdc . com . Services are extended to the public on a non-discriminatory basis .
Editorial / Production Staff Published by Pacific Island Times ( Pacific Independent News Service LLC ) Pacific Islands Small Business Development Center Network
Contributing writers
Pacific Islands Small Business Development Center Network Staff

Elsi-2 is a retail store located in Finpihkal , Lelu Municipality in Kosrae . The store is owned and operated by a Kosraean native , Elsina Sepe Tolenna . Elsi-2 opened its doors to help residents with their daily necessities as well as to help Elsina and her family .

Elsina Sepe Tolenna is married to Tolenna Tolenna . They both reside in the beautiful village of Malem and together have four ( 4 ) children , 3 daughters and 1 son . For quite some time , Elsina and her husband Tolenna , were selling take-outs and pastries . The demand for such items grew , which led the couple to start their own business by building a new outlet .
In an interview between Elsina and her Business Advi-
sor , Emily O ’ Steen from the Kosrae SBDC , Elsina said “ I would say that starting a take-out business is an endeavor that continues to be lucrative , where you have people vying to get a tasty meal to enjoy . I know that selling take-outs may start as an ordinary task and it can also become an income-earning career fueled with passion .” Elsina shared her passion that dates back to her childhood , helping her grandmother make different kinds of pastries . “ I have been helping her since , and I feel that the experiences I have with her will also assist me in managing a small business on my own .” With this passion and experience , Elsina also said that the market