Pa Fokus Shkurt | Page 26

that feeling of being trapped and dependent - a feeling which stayed. ‘Oh God, please help me to survive all this’ was the last thought I had falling asleep that night. In fact, it was, as it turned out, a very smooth beginning of what has become the most surreal time of my life so far. So back again to, what is Morocco? to this question. Below is my answer. In fact, it would be more correct to paraphrase the question into ‘What is Casablanca?’, as this is What is Maroco? To my dear friends Danielle and Emmanuel First of all, I would like to make a disclaimer. This piece of writing reflects my very personal point of view and in no way is aimed to serve as a source of information about Morocco, to raise any philosophical issues, to make any conclusions whatsoever or insult anyone’s feelings. Moreover, it is very contextual and full of references, the meaning of which only two other people can appreciate, namely Danielle and Emmanuel. I neither pretend to understand this country, nor even to be on the way to understanding it. The only purpose of this is to try to avoid all the experiences there (except for some particular ones) fading away as time passes. Even though it seems pretty unlikely right now, it is still better to keep this in written form, just to be on the safe side. the only place my experiences originate from. However, I somehow believe that this is the place where you can find every aspect and side of Morocco and even more. What is Morocco? Strangely enough, I had never asked myself this question before going there, but I heard it being asked many times during my stay, by my friend Emmanuel. Contrary to Danielle and Emmanuel, I did not have a clue about the country, its political situation or level of development. Moreover, I was not interested in any of this, and to be honest, I am still not. If you stop reading here, I will understand. I am not the best example of a conscious and engaged human being trying to save the world, but believe it or not, during that time I somehow thought I could do it and even wanted to do it. However, this mission of changing the world was only one of the reasons for me going there, and I must admit, not the primary one. There was also another reason, very personal. It belongs to those particular parts which I would be glad to forget. In short, this trip was supposed to become a new chapter in my life (me as a world saver) and at the same time to help turn the page which had been open much longer than it should have been. So to the question again – ‘What is Morocco?’ I am sure that the three of us will give a different answer 26 For me it started with a night train and two flights, a trip lasting more than 24 hours. One of my first experiences in Morocco was a so called (by me) ‘winking bonsoir’, which is a ‘bonsoir’ followed by a wink. I suppose there equally exists a ‘winking bonjour’, but due to the late hour of my arrival I only experienced a ‘winking bonsoir’, received at the information desk at the international airport of Casablanca where I had hoped to get information regarding train times. I am still slightly confused about the true meaning of this sign. On my way back I was ready to count the number of signs I anticipated to receive during my night’s stay at the same airport. I hoped it would at least save me from being bored while waiting for the flight. Alas, the number equaled zero. What a disappointment! Before going to Casablanca I had only one idea about the city in my head, namely the economic capital of the country, stemming from (oh, shame on me) Wikipedia. That night, while passing by the outskirts of the city with this image created in my head, the only thing I could think about was that apparently we have a different understanding of what ‘economy’ is… On the way from the airport to the city the car belonging to the local people from the association I was supposed to work for and who picked me up from the airport was stopped at a police patrol. As far as I could understand from their explanation later, there was something wrong with the light. Apparently, the policeman wanted them to give him a bribe. Apparently, they did not. At that point I said to myself that something was definitely wrong, and it wasn’t referring to the light. The whole situation felt wrong. Never before had I found myself in a situation when I was unable to figure out what was going on. I was surrounded by people speaking a language I did not understand, not a single word. It was the first time when I got My next rema ɭ