P2S External Q4 2022-2023 P2S External Q4 2022_Final | Page 8

systems that would talk to each other , outlined how they would communicate ( IP , HL &, BACNET …), and developed use cases and processes .
For example , suppose a smoke detector is activated , and there ’ s a camera nearby . In that case , the camera will automatically zoom into that area and determine if it ’ s a false alarm or an actual fire . With access control , we had a card reader in an elevator lobby designated for the code blue team . As soon as a code blue is activated , the code blue team can swipe their cards , override the elevator system , and bring down the nearest elevator to take them to their destination . These types of integration allow caretakers and staff to interact better with the building and create better outcomes .
What are your goals as LV Technology Services Leader ? How will you focus your efforts ? What does success look like for you ?
MS : I have done a lot of projects for what we call « critical » facilities . These include things like data
centers and police departments , and 911 call centers , facilities that have to remain operational no matter what . We currently do projects like that , but they ’ re done occasionally . Our security offering is geared towards healthcare and schools , which deal more with electronic security .
However , P2S does a lot of work in correctional facilities , federal buildings and courthouses , facilities that have a security budget that is probably three times the MEP budget . These facilities have very intense security needs and designing them can be challenging . We have a team that designs for the federal market , and they do sometimes work on projects where they have to have special knowledge regarding security issues . I hope to be able to tap into those resources to design more technology systems for those types of facilities and clients . Aviation is another market in which P2S has a very active presence , but the Technology Group doesn ’ t get a proportional market share , even though we have the technical expertise , and I hope to be more involved in this market .
8 | Q4 2022 / 2023