P2S External Q4 2022-2023 P2S External Q4 2022_Final | 页面 5

What systems are you putting in place to combat hospital-acquired infections ( HAI )?
SS : State and federal code regulations and recommendations for hospitals already contain elements aimed at improving air quality and removing airborne pathogens : low-level air exhaust near a patient ’ s head in infection-control spaces to remove exhaled particulates from the airstream , multistage filtration at the air handling unit , negatively pressurized and exhausted dirty spaces and positively pressurized and HEPA-filtered protective spaces for the most vulnerable and immunocompromised patients . Hospitals can opt-in to additional levels of HVAC cleanliness through the use of UV lights in the air handling system to further eradicate airborne pathogens , increased levels of MERV filtration and regular maintenance and cleaning . There are also lots of conversations and constantly evolving research around recommended airflows over and around patients in an operating room environment .
What type of specialty piping , plumbing or other systems have you specified recently ?
SS : Our team is on the cutting edge of today ’ s medical advancements . This includes codes , standards , new technologies and California Department of Health Care Access and Information ( previously OSHPD ) requirements . There ’ s a new requirement in California hitting all hospitals in 2030 that will require all acute care facilities to provide on-site storage for 72 hours or more for domestic water , wastewater and emergency generator fuel oil . These requirements are aimed at enabling hospitals to maintain functionality in the event of a disaster that renders the city services inoperable for a period of time . This is a massive undertaking , as this means anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 gallons worth of storage for these resources , which can be an even bigger challenge in landlocked hospitals .