P2S External Q1 2022 | Page 3

Q1 / 2022


Dear Reader ,
TRAVIS TAYLOR Principal & Director of Project Management
Engineers tend to think most about how building function affects comfort and usability for occupants . But we know that other factors affect the occupant experience in buildings , and chief among these are lighting and interior design . The P2S Specialty Lighting Studio is a team of lighting specialists , and interior designers who combine creative aesthetic design with the functional efficiency P2S is known for .
Clients who want their spaces to have an emotional impact , want to cultivate a specific mood or style , or have a powerful interior design concept to bring to life can partner with our specialty lighting studio to realize their vision . Studio staff is highly experienced at their craft and take into account not only project goals but also client culture and history to create impactful lighting and interior designs that not only look stunning but reflect organizational values , elevate the mood of occupants and take people on a journey , if only for a few seconds .
As you may have guessed , this issue of P2S Magazine is all about the Specialty Lighting Studio . You ’ ll see dazzling photos of their creative designs , read details about recent project successes , see a summary of all the services offered , and learn more from studio members in an illuminating interview .
We hope this issue of P2S Magazine finds you in good health and with a determined spirit . Like last year , we know that we can meet the challenges confronting us . Everyone at P2S stands ready to continue to provide solutions to our valued clients and assist our communities . We thank you for your support and hope that amidst the continuing challenges , you find new opportunities .
Sincerely ,
Travis Taylor

Q1 / 2022