P2S External Magazine Summer 2023 | Page 3

Editor ’ s Note

Dear Reader ,
Aravind Batra Vice-President / Principal
Since we inaugurated our Specialty Lighting Studio , they ’ ve done a tremendous job creating aesthetically resonant lighting that elevates spaces . Through careful attention to the impact on occupants , multi-functionality , and a dash of design elegance , the lighting team continually succeeds in creating spaces that inspire emotional connections in those who experience them .
As their work draws increased notice and they help more clients bring their vision to life , we thought this was the perfect opportunity to promote the studio in this magazine and in an upcoming brand campaign . Accordingly , this issue of the P2S Magazine showcases the lighting studio ’ s brilliant design work . We went straight to the source and spoke to lighting studio members about what makes them such a powerful team , their approach to the design process , the essential elements of good interior lighting and much more . You can listen to their insights directly in two featured episodes of the P2Podast .
You can also glimpse the studio ’ s design aesthetic in a new video and have a sneak peek at our upcoming lighting campaign . We also feature an article by Associate Principal and P2S San Diego director James Del Monaco .
Attentive readers will have already noticed that this issue features a brand-new look . We think it better serves our content as we move forward , and we ’ re excited to know what you think . You ’ re welcome to share your feedback with us if you ’ re so inclined .
Once again , thank you for your support and for joining us in this latest edition of P2S Magazine . We hope you have a fulfilling and unforgettable summer .
Sincerely , Aravind Batra , Vice-President / Principal
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