P2S External Magazine Summer 2023 | Page 14


P2S Podcasts & Videos


Shining a Light on Lighting Design


Another Lighting-Focused Podcast Coming Soon !


Take a deep dive into contemporary lighting design by listening to this episode of “ You ’ re the Expert ” from the P2Podcast . Gary Jewell , Ellie Motevalian and Toranj Noroozi of our award-winning specialty lighting design team share their insight into the design process , the strengths that elevate them as a team , how they realize the client ’ s vision and much more . Listeners will also discover how emerging technologies are reshaping the lighting field and what that means for clients and the industry . Tune in to lighten up your day !
Listen to this Podcast
We enjoyed chatting with Gary , Ellie and Toranj so much that we had another conversation with them . This additional podcast will launch during our upcoming specialty lighting campaign in August . So stay tuned to learn even more from the team and enjoy more lighting content soon .