Process SmartArt category . Apply the Polished SmartArt Style , available in the 3-D category .
3 Click Slide 5 . Select the existing SmartArt graphic , and
10.000 change the layout to a Segmented Pyramid in the Pyramid SmartArt category . Apply the Inset SmartArt Style , available in the 3-D category . Horizontally center the SmartArt , if necessary .
4 Click Slide 6 . Create an Organization Chart SmartArt
20.000 graphic , available in the Hierarchy category . The top level of management is the Executive Committee . Delete the shape immediately below Executive Committee . The Executive Committee has the following subcommittees : Finance Committee , Program Committee , and Marketing Committee ( add them in that order ).
5 Add the following committees in separate shapes below
10.000 theFinance Committee shape : Investments and Financial Oversight ( in that order ).