P L E N T Y SUMMER 2019 Plenty Summer 2019-joomag copy | Page 39
Are you smarter than a
third grader about agriculture?
If you live in Montgomery County...maybe not!
Beginning in 2015, elementary
public school students have
been learning about the im-
portance of agriculture in their
lives and in their county.
Recognizing the value of agricul-
tural awareness for youth, the
County Council, Montgomery
County Public Schools, the Of-
fice of Agriculture, the County
Farm Bureau, and Montgomery
Countryside Alliance collabo-
rated to engage an Agriculture
Mobile Science Lab exclusively
in Montgomery County.
The Maryland Agricultural
Education Foundation’s (MAEF)
Ag Products Mobile Science Lab
visits elementary schools in the
County with a trained educator
and hands-on science based
lessons. The students learn about
agriculture’s presence and impor-
tance in their lives. The lessons
also reinforce the core subjects
the students are learning in
their classrooms.
In addition to funding from the
Office of Agriculture, 60% of the
cost of operating the mobile sci-
ence lab program is underwritten
by revenues generated by the
Maryland Ag Tag license plate.
Additional information about
the Mobile Science Lab programs
or other educational outreach
programs can be found by con-
tacting the Maryland Agricultural
Education Foundation, Inc., at
[email protected], or calling
410-939-9030, or visiting
Best wishes to everyone for a
bountiful growing season and
life-long engagement with
agriculture in the Montgomery
County Agricultural Reserve.
You too can be as smart as a
third grader!
Everyone is encouraged to purchase an “Ag Tag” from the Motor
Vehicle Administration. Your modest $20 investment will con-
tinue to pay dividends for science education for our children for
the life of the license plate. Visit: www.agtagmd.com to apply
for the plate and learn more about how the funds are used!