P L E N T Y SUMMER 2019 Plenty Summer 2019-joomag copy | Page 37
thing from oranges to nails, had
agricultural origins or glimpses
Designated roads vary in
a post office and was known as
of particular scenic beauty, and
width but are generally
Glen, Md. Two bridges over two
unless protective measures
streams meet here, a one-lane
were taken, continued develop-
and two-lane bridge. All the
ment of the County would alter
volume. They have out-
roads leading into and out of the
or annihilate them forever.
standing natural features
Glen are Rustic. Gone is the Glen
The Task Force offered an
Mill that stood on the banks of
extensive list which became an
trees, pastoral vistas,
Watts Branch stream, which was
interim list of 91 roads. These
dammed to provide water for the
were protected by legislation in
stream valleys, wetlands
mill race. As the bridges were the
1993. Through the 1996 Rus-
as well as working farms.
only way to cross both streams,
tic Roads Functional Master
the area became a fishing hole
Plan and with subsequent area
and gathering place. Though per-
Master Plans, the list was fully
alignments or lead to
haps invisible to today’s traveler,
reviewed. Since a Functional
historic sites. They are
scraps of history and folklore
Master Plan is a living docu-
live here as they do on every
ment, nominations for inclusion
Rustic Road. As in the Glen, many
are still being taken.
rustic roads follow previous na-
Two road classifications
tive American Indian trails that
were created: Rustic and Excep-
gave access to tool making sites or favored hunting
tional Rustic. The first is a road which “enhances
the rural character of the area due to its particular
A recently produced Rustic Roads bumper
configuration, alignment, scenic quality, landscap-
rightly declares “every road has a story.”
ing, adjacent views, and historic interest, and which
Such stories contribute to the sense of connection
exemplifies the rural and agricultural landscape
with the geography we habitually traverse. Robert
of the county.”
Hanson, a farmer now in his 90's, who served on
Exceptional Rustic goes a step further, being
the Rustic Roads Task Force and later on the Advi-
defined as: “having such unusual and pleasing char-
sory Committee established to revise the Potomac
acter as it exists today that preservation of the road
Subregion Master Plan once asked if we knew why
in its current state is highly desirable. The road has
South Glen Road leveled out halfway up the steep
special characteristics which contribute signifi-
climb from the stream and the Glen Mill. It was
cantly to the rural, scenic, or historic features of
intentional he said, so the horses pulling wagons
Montgomery County and might lose these specific
loaded with flour and meal could rest briefly before
characteristics if improved or widened.” County
continuing the journey out of the valley.
regulations created in 1996 further defined criteria
Caroline Taylor, who lives in the Ag Reserve,
for designation.
tells a story that speaks to the sense of open space
Currently there are 98 roads in the program,
Rustic Roads add to our rural landscape. Driving
roughly covering 190 miles. The designated roads
home at night on Hughes Road which follows the
vary in width but are generally narrow serving low
gentle contours of adjacent farm fields, she saw a
traffic volume. They have outstanding natural fea-
rabbit run in front of her. As it reached the other
tures at the borders. Stately trees, pastoral vistas,
side, a great grey owl swooped down and grabbed
stream valleys, wetlands as well as working farms.
it. The image stayed with her, imparting a sense of
Many follow historic alignments or lead to historic
wonder and gratitude for living where the natural
sites. They are all threads to our past.
world has its way.
I live in an old log cabin set back off an Ex-
Anyone who has traveled on rustic roads in the
ceptional Rustic Road in Potomac’s historic Glen.
upper county might wonder about the occasional
Nearby still stands a house once known as the
narrow concrete strip. Exceptional Rustic Martins-
Peters Store in the late 19th century. It sold every-