P L E N T Y SUMMER 2019 Plenty Summer 2019-joomag copy | Page 35
which are also under threat from habitat
loss, non-native species and diseases, and
pesticides. With the U.S. Department of Ag-
riculture estimating that bees are respon-
sible for pollinating 75 percent of the fruit,
nuts, and vegetables in the United States,
the preservation and transfer of the Warren
bee colony was the best possible course of
Once the bees were relocated, work
began to prevent further deterioration
of the Loving Charity Hall, and today you
can see the results of the hard work put
into restoration on your way to and from
White’s Ferry.
Support Your Local Bees
Here in the Agricultural Reserve—and
throughout Montgomery County—beekeep-
ers range from backyard hobbyists to large-
scale honey producers with products you
will find at local food markets and restau-
rants. Heirloom plants and trees like laven-
der, echinacea, and maple are favorites for
bees. The Montgomery County Beekeepers
Association (montgomerycountybeekeep-
ers.org) has a wealth of information avail-
able about local honey bees, including how
to care for a hive of your own, and where
to purchase honey with a local pedigree.
Sarah Rogers is an interpretive planner, designer,
and executive in the areas of resource protection
and development. She provides leadership in the
areas of education, outreach, and stewardship
to natural, cultural, and historical sites, parks,
and museums at a federal, state, and local level.
Rogers was a principal designer and planner
for the National Park Service’s Chesapeake Bay
Gateways Network, a multi-state system of 170
parks and museums; the John Smith Trail; the
Star Spangled Banner Trail; and the Smithsonian
National Zoo.
The conservators of Button
Farm Living History Center
have nearly completed the
restoration of the farm-
house and bank barn on
Black Rock Road in German-
town. The farm is open most
weekends during the sum-
mer and offers hands-on
farm experiences, weaving
and carpentry demonstra-
tions, guided history hikes,
and special programs.
Weekend Getaways In Maryland
Whether you’re looking for an escape from your everyday, enjoying time with
family and friends, or something in between, The Inn at Tusculum Farm offers
the perfect array of accommodations to meet your desires and needs. This is luxury
farm living at its finest, with best in class rooms, amenities and overall service.