P L E N T Y SUMMER 2019 Plenty Summer 2019-joomag copy | Page 22

for more­—I didn’t want to just support the farmer, I wanted to BE the farmer. Working at Waltham Fields Community Farm outside of Boston for a decade gave me experience growing food for a 500-family CSA with a committed membership; our children literally grew up together, nourished by the soil of that little farm. When my husband Mark and I had the opportunity to start our own farm with our children, Jonah and Sadie, the CSA model was a natural fit for us. The heart of the CSA partnership Springtime is a busy and stressful time in the lives of most farmers. Poring over weather predictions to find a window to get work done, spending what feels like frightening amounts of money on seeds, supplies, and tools, and switching back and forth between task- based focus and big-picture vision all make farmers a little crazy in the spring. Having the support of our CSA shareholders takes away some of the stress because it means that every seed we plant already has a home. Our shareholders are our partners, the real reason we are able to do what we do without going into debt, the folks for whom we create value and who help guide our business choices. They are also our friends and neigh- bors, our sounding boards for new business ideas, our go-to sources for innovative recipes, and our guides. Community supported agriculture is not just about what the farmer wants to grow, what the customer wants to buy, or what makes the most money. It is an ongoing conversation about what grows well on a certain piece of land, and how the economics of a small farm can be transformed by the investment of even a small number of families who love and support it. CSA shareholders have the unique ability to fundamentally impact the way their farm produces their food. Our shareholders constantly connect us with ways to grow more sustainably and ethically, whether it’s raising animals more humanely or learning new ways of build- ing our soil. By the choices they make each week, they help us refine an efficient crop mix that is well suited to their tastes and our land. While many small businesses create opportunities for customers to provide feed- back, CSA makes that relationship the foundation upon which the business is built. Signing up for a CSA share is essentially jumping into a season-long dialogue between shareholder and farmer, farmer and soil, farm and family. Your house- 22 PLENTY I SUMMER GROWING 2019 CSA FARMS in Montgomery County AMARANTH ACRES Dickerson, MD Enjoy a combination of or- ganically grown, ethnic Indian vegetables along with greens, regular summer vegetables and herbs. Pickup locations include the farm, German- town and Rockville. info@amaranthacres.com indhu@amaranthacres.com COMMON ROOT FARM Derwood, MD Common Root Farm grows and curates a selection of delicious and nutritious sea- sonal vegetables for its CSA members. Using regenerative practices free from synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, its methods include low-till crop rotation and permanent beds to bolster soil life which con- tributes to more nutritious vegetables and improves soil. Pick-up is available on-farm and at a few locations in Olney. Delivery available. Erica and Ryan farmer@commonrootfarm.com 301.639.8316 ONE ACRE FARM Boyds, MD Now in its 11th season, One Acre Farm is a certified naturally grown farm serving locations in Montgomery County and Capitol Hill. The farm produces a diverse mix of vegetables for CSA share- holders as well as raises funds to deliver produce to the Manna Food Center. ​ Tours available throughout the season. Michael Protas michael@oneacrefarm.com PLOW AND STARS FARM Poolesville, MD A year-round, free-choice CSA practicing organic grow- ing methods with weekly on-farm pick up offering vegetables, fruit, flowers, pasture raised eggs, pasture raised meat and honey. You- pick options for members throughout the season. Amanda Cather and Mark Walter plowandstarsfarm@gmail.com YOUR CHEF’S TABLE FARM Brookeville, MD Your Chef’s Table is a small farm founded by trained personal chef Russ Testa offering fresh, certified naturally grown vegetables