Oxfordshire, the place to marry Oxfordshire 2019 | Page 46

S P E C I A L F E AT U R E S Tie the knot and cut the cost With the average ceremony costing at least £30,000, it’s nearly enough to make you say “I don’t”. However, you don’t need to spend a fortune to have a fantastic day… Work out your budget… … and stick to it. Sit down together and decide what you can realistically afford for your wedding and which aspects of the process are the most important to you. For example, you may not care how you get from the ceremony to the reception venue but you would like to spend a bit extra on flowers. Be ruthless with your guest list This is the first place you need to consider to prevent costs from spiralling. Sometimes it is tempting to invite every distant relation or friend of a friend but with each invitation, your costs are rocketing. If money is tight, make a list of your closest family and friends, the ones you really do not want to miss the day. Invitations It is nice to do something terribly original with wedding invitations but, while this is nice, it can cost up to £90 for a set. If you want to make your invites personal, pop into a stationers and pick up some decent card, gold and silver pens or a calligraphy pen and set to work writing them yourself. Stationers also often sell glitter and other decorative items that you could glue to your invitation. If you want flowers on the tables at your reception, you could do what Alison did at her wedding: “We bought gerberas from a local garden centre and put them in pretty plant pots on the tables as a centrepiece, then told the guests they were welcome to take them home afterwards as a way to remember the day.” Photography Photography can take up a considerable chunk of your budget. If you cannot afford the prices of a professional photographer, why not ask someone you know who is good with a camera? Jenny did this at her wedding. “One of my friends was a keen amateur photographer and I always admired his pictures at get-togethers. We asked him to take our pictures and paid for the camera film for him. It was wonderful having someone we knew taking our pictures on the day as we felt more relaxed. The pictures were fantastic; more informal than a photographer would take but since we wanted a more relaxed wedding, we were more than happy with the results.” For the reception itself, you could buy disposable cameras and put them on the table, asking guests to take pictures and leave the cameras afterwards. Flowers Simple arrangements can be just as effective as larger ones, so do not feel you need to go overboard. A small posy for the bride is often enough, with one main arrangement in the ceremony room. www.squibphotography.co.uk 42 OXFORDSHIRE: THE PLACE TO CELEBRATE