Oxfordshire, the place to marry Oxfordshire 2019 | Page 15

Once the date is set… 6 weeks before… • Draw up a rough budget for your ceremony plus the guest list • Book the Registration Office or approved venue and arrange a Notice of Marriage or Civil Partnership for you both • Book the reception venue, caterers and entertainment • Choose your bridesmaids, attendants, best man and ushers, if applicable! • Book the photographer and/or videographer • Order your invitations, if you are having them made • Decide on what sort of transport you will be using and book cars for the ceremony and going away • Make any travel arrangements required • Start shopping for your outfits • Decide on and speak to a hairdresser and/or your beauty salon for your Big Day. •  F  inalise your guest list • C  hoose gifts for the bridesmaids, attendants, best man and mothers • Order  gift boxes if you plan to send out cake to guests who cannot attend • A  ttend a second fitting (if appropriate). 3 months before… •  Order the cake • Pay your ceremony fees • Choose the rings • Send out the invitations, order menu cards and place cards • Book a florist and choose flowers for the reception, including buttonholes and corsages • Decide on your gift list • Have a first fitting of your outfit (if it is being made to measure) • If you are travelling abroad, arrange any necessary visas and vaccinations • If you are changing your name, allow at least six weeks (preferably more in the peak holiday season) for a new passport and remember to change your driver’s licence and bank details • Book a hotel for the night of the celebration. www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/registration 4 weeks before… •  Have  the final fittings for your outfits • B  ook an appointment with your hairdresser for a trial run • C  onfirm numbers with the caterers and arrange the seating plan • S  peak to your Registrar about the ceremony, discussing your readings, vows and music choices • P  repare thank you letters for the presents you will receive . 2 weeks before… • W  ork out a rough timetable for the reception and run through it with the best man, bridesmaids and attendants • W  rite out place cards for the reception • O  rder foreign currency if travelling abroad • W  ear-in your new shoes at home • D  ouble check the travel timings to and from your ceremony/reception venue(s) - allow for heavy traffic. On the day… This is your day, remember, so ask friends and family to see that the following arrangements are made for you on the day • T  he cases are sent on to your overnight hotel • Your  outfits are packed and taken home and any hired items are returned as soon as possible • The  presents are carefully packed up and taken home • C  ake is sent to anyone unable to attend. 11