OWPG: Media News Bulletin Summer 2019 | Page 15

Our Sponsors The Outdoor Writers & Photographers Guild is proud to be associated with: Cicerone Conway Aquapac www.bloomsbury.com/uk/non-fiction/travel-and-adventure Specialist publisher of walking, trekking, mountaineering and cycling guidebooks. www.cicerone.co.uk Manufacturer of 100% waterproof cases, bags and pouches. www.aquapac.net Viewranger ViewRanger is the complete offline mapping, navigation & guided trail service for Outdoor Enthusiasts. ViewRanger offers exciting opportunities for writers interested in self-publishing or promoting their work to outdoor enthusiasts worldwide. www.viewranger.com An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing, publishes books that open up the world through tales of contemporary and historical exploration and adventure. Cordee Has a unique and world-renowned catalogue of books and maps used by the recreation and book trade throughout the UK and the world. www.cordee.co.uk Pathfinder Guides Crimson Publishing Britain’s best-loved walking guides — Long-established, our high- quality walking guides offer in total more than 14,500 miles and circa 6,000 hours of walking in 94 UK titles. www.crimsonpublishing.co.uk Should your company or organisation wish to sponsor or be associated with the Outdoor Writers & Photographers Guild please email the OWPG’s Secretary, John Gillham using [email protected] or telephone 01254 773097 www.owpg.org.uk